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Old 12-09-2016, 03:11 PM
snead snead is offline

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Originally Posted by Danth [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
DAOC plays like what it is: an Everquest derivative made at a fraction of the budget (less depth to the world), where the end-game is focused on faction Player vs player battles (8 vs 8 in particular, for their version of high-end) instead of multi-group player-vs-environment content like EQ. It HAS PvE content, and a fair amount of it, but that isn't likely to hold a player long-term if said player is accustomed to EQ. The PvP zones are separate from the leveling zones, so folks who want to level in peace can do so, however once in the PvP zones it's very much open-world. It's an older game, without a great deal of the hand-holding which characterizes newer games. Folks bored with P99 but who prefer something broadly similar might be well-served to give it a look.

there's plenty of pvp zones where you can exp to say they are separate is incorrect. one whole zone dedicated to pve/pvp -- darkness falls. let alone the other places you can level and pvp.