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Old 03-09-2017, 03:43 AM
Barcelona Barcelona is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 28
Default Joining the fun is easy!

I am having a great time now that I recently rejoined my Auldtimer friends! If you are like me and have far too many characters sitting around and don't see why starting off fresh on a level 1 makes any sense, then I'd like to show you this part of the guild charter:
10. Ideally a person interested in joining would create a new character from scratch, but they may already have a character of relatively low level that they would like to use to have entry into the guild. A character with equipment may be allowed with officer approval as long as that character is under level 20. Be aware that equipment obtained via EC tunnel or outside the characters ability to obtain naturally will be requested to be removed.
I did this recently, and I joined on a character that I had sitting around collecting dust, I had stripped him completely of all gear when I joined. Now just days later and I managed to fill just about every slot, camped my first two upgrade pieces of stat gear, and even camped items to sell within the guild economy (see the charter for details regarding this) with buyers already lined up! So just come on over and experience the extremely fun way we play this game!

Go to: Auld Lang Syne Guild Website read through the Auld Lang Syne Official Guild Charter today and see what the buzz is all about. Feel a true sense of accomplishment similar to what it is like on a fresh server!