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Old 03-15-2017, 03:01 AM
Cwall 146.0 Cwall 146.0 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 296

well, having an event where you want even number duel type fights is going to be subject to outside influence, no matter how you slice it. almost every event in the arena has people interfering mid-fight, people ganking those who are freshly rezzed, people willfully violating rules against certain items/buffs/strategies, etc.

these types of fights are cool for bragging rights, but they've been done SO many times in such a stale setting

like i said, it needs to be something objective based out in the world that each guild will be interested in fighting over

rough idea of an event that follows those parameters, while also adhering to the tools and powers at your disposal as only a guide:

-turn off invulnerability, buff yourself up, station yourself in a zone
-set a time limit
-designate a guild/group to defend you, or find a compelling reason for them to defend you
-guild/group that kills you within the time limit wins, or defending guild/group wins if time limit is reached


-set yourself up in a zone with trades turned on
-set a bounty for a specific item found in a specific zone that players likely wouldn't have a stockpile of; this could be something like 50 leatherfoot raider skullcaps (the common drop from halflings in nektulos)
-first group/guild to turn the bounty in wins

as far as zone setting, i would avoid zones containing only one zoneline so that you can avoid camp-the-zoneline stalemates (karnor's castle is one of the worst offenders as an example)

an example of a good zone would be nektulos forest:

-almost zero chance of NPC interference
-low visibility
-fairly large
-4 ways to enter the zone, including a portal and an adjacent zone with a portal
-not a flat, tiny shoebox
-very accessible to low level players for spectating
Last edited by Cwall 146.0; 03-15-2017 at 03:07 AM..