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Old 03-28-2017, 04:44 PM
Lhancelot Lhancelot is offline
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Default Question about DW and proccing weapons

I understand dex grants a higher chance to proc a weapon.

My question is, how do the weapons get a check for procs other than with dexterity?

Do they only proc on swings, or does the skill level of the weapon type matter, or perhaps DW skill lvl is that checked?

Would a level 20 warrior proc just as often as a lvl 50 if they had the same haste and dexterity while using the same weapons?

Are there other factors in determining if the weapon procs?

Do different weapons have a higer proc rate than others?

I am just wondering if my warrior will become better at holding aggro as he gains levels due to proccing more often, or if his weaponskill levels if they raise, if that helps him hold aggro.

I have read that seb dirks are great warrior weapons due to speed, but they have no proc, so how do they hold aggro so well?