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Old 03-31-2017, 08:57 AM
heartbrand heartbrand is offline
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Default Rules Clarification Request

It's that time of the year again where mass PvP is back and so are mass suspensions, some deserved, some a little confusing. One of the biggest issues we continue to face is the lack of clarity and written rules on a number of subjects, leaving us vets to rely on elf sim legal precedent. However, that doesn't appear to be a very safe way to keep your account getting past the login screen, so I would humbly suggest that we get an updated sticky on a few subjects:

1) dispelling raid mobs. In the past, this has been allowed regardless of circumstances, now it's being called raid disruption. Personally, I think if the character is out of range it should be raid disruption, but whatever the ruling is we should have one clear rule stickied so that everyone is on notice, rather than just suspending people on the spot.

2) training. In Velious zone PvP, mobs are going to get involved 95% of the time. Not everyone has faction in thurg/Kael/skyshrine/ToV, and many of these zones have mobs two inches from the zone in making aggro almost unavoidable, particularly skyshrine. Is having these types of mobs on you during PvP considered training, or is training going to be intentionally grabbing a bunch of mobs and dropping it on a force for the purpose of disruption? My preference would be the latter. No one wants to get suspended over an icewell sentry at the zone in sticking to them like a melee using the new HPT UI.

3) Force LNS. My understanding was always that if you didn't die in the PvP you were fair game, and that only essential classes to the CR from the zone were allowed. Last night it appeared confusing what was accurate. Let's clear this one up once and for all on the sticky as well.

4) ninja looting on OOR characters. Not a huge issue but one I've also seen conflicting rulings on. Personally I think since you can't resolve it via PvP it should be against the rules.

Thanks and let's all help make red99 a better place
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