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Old 04-24-2017, 05:18 PM
Evia Evia is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Jun 2014
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Posts: 2,134

I have a 63 Ranger on phinney. You basically covered it. All classes are basically just beefier versions of p99s classes. Otherwise they all play the same as you're used to on p99. I turn on old models so characters look like I'm used to seeing.

Really the only change you didn't totally touch on is the zone revamps. They changed many more besides just Freeport (which is horrible) like commonlands is one giant zone revamped and no more east and west. Highpass is also different....more I'm probably not thinking of.

But all and all I really have enjoyed my time on the TLP servers.

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch