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Old 05-13-2017, 06:26 PM
AzzarTheGod AzzarTheGod is offline
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Originally Posted by JurisDictum [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
EQ isn't a PvP game. Your supposed to beat the game content. It was never intended for everyone playing the game to race to the content at once. Your not supposed to have to beat everyone else to get your sword.

I loved playing on p99 for most of it. But this confusion over EQ as a PvE game wears on me. If instancing makes EQ easy -- then that's because EQ is an easy game. Keeping it "difficult" by cockblocking most the population is a waste of my time.
woke. the nerds want to play PvE as a PvP game, it was never designed that way.
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