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Old 05-24-2017, 01:44 AM
Troxx Troxx is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Jun 2014
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As a shaman in the low to mid 50s the hardest groups were always when I found myself as the only priest in the absence of an enchanter to both handle the haste and assist with crowd control. Holding down all the healing, slowing, and buffs for a full group was hell.

Just state expectations up front and let them know your priorities. For me those priorities were in the following order:
-cheap (not Turgurs) slow on every mob
-emergency heal
-chloro/regrowth on ever person taking damage (most efficient heal)
-standard top off heal
-sow to puller
-haste to melee
-str to melee
-everything else, and only if mana was sustainable

If the group had a problem with that, I'd give them a quick math lesson and explain how they can't expect a solo shaman to maintain chain pulls and do half the jobs in the group. Slows come before heals, heals come before buffs, and non-critical buffs should not be expected.
Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
There is no fail message for FD.
