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Old 05-24-2017, 02:56 AM
wulfenger wulfenger is offline

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Originally Posted by Lhancelot [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I didn't know it was hard to wait for someone to be in a range and then buff them. Is that too much to expect from you almighty healer?

Pullers often have to fetch mobs from places much further than heal range, so if this is the case they should not expect a heal?

Healers aren't the only ones bullied...

Your advice to healers while perhaps well intentioned comes off poorly and sounds very self-entitled.

On a side note, I have never seen a healer bullied, in fact usually healers are granted more patience than other classes.
1. It's not hard to wait for them. I didn't say that at all. In fact you made up that statement from nothing.

2. In my situation, pulling for example with 70% health and then fighting it across the yard and then complains about why they aren't getting heals while I'm mashing the heal button and trying to get in range of them is not a kind thing to do at all.

3. My post wasn't intended to flame. It was intended for healers to have some self-respect and not bend to the will of abuse.

The only point I'm getting from your posts is "How dare you suggest that people stand up to me?"

The other suggestion I'm receiving is that people would get it after a quick math lesson. It's not a totally unachievable concept to understand why people would think that would work every time. I get it. But what if I don't feel like it? That's reasonable too.

If you want me to accept your opinions, they need to be absent of lies, generalizations, and assumptions based on prejudice.