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Old 05-24-2017, 03:36 AM
wulfenger wulfenger is offline

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Originally Posted by Jimjam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I think it is important to remember that when a puller suggests they need a buff, they might not expect it immediately. There is such a thing as letting you know in advance!

When I need to buff a puller, I will wait until I can guarantee they are in camp for a while (e.g. the camp is full of CCd mobs so they don't need to grab more).

From their perspective: one of the worst things you can do to a puller is land a buff or heal on them while they are out of camp and get aggro on a mis-pull they are trying to manage and you end up bringing it all into the camp at once (this is especially bad if you are the only healer or cc)!

Just as buffers are under pressure to keep up their job, so are pullers. Many groups will expect there to be at least one mob in the camp at all time (because the melee/pet dps are also under pressure to keep up their job).

I mean, really it is about efficiency, team work and communication. Not really about bullying and finger pointing, even if it may feel like that under pressure.

The other thing is, if they ask for a heal and then run off without it, you have to make the assumption that they made the judgement call that they will be okay for this pull without a heal. In the majority of situations, I strongly advise against leaving the camp to heal a puller as it is much easier to recover a dead puller than the cleric or even an entire group.

If they asked for a heal a while ago and still haven't got one, well then I guess they got impatient, which is understandable as we are all human.
I agree with your post. Your edit though highlights a situation that never happened. I always heal when the puller is having issues, especially FD pullers. It's still a good piece of information though, even though it's based on the assumption of another.

I merely highlighted easy concepts to understand for both healers and the rest of the group. It's not hard to understand etiquette and lashing out against me because I said you should have some isn't going to solve anything. Although I do appreciate the attempts to close the case on me as if I did something wrong.