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Old 05-24-2017, 06:26 PM
wulfenger wulfenger is offline

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Originally Posted by RDawg816 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Your post and your attitude tell me this should have been posted in RnF.

I levelled up my shaman as the only healer, slower, CC in 99% of my groups. If people asked for buffs I didn't feel they needed I would tell them no. If they were out of range I'd move or buff them when they came back. If people had a problem with this they could leave the group (no one ever did though...)

I have seen people "bullied" and/or kicked from groups. It was always a unanimous decision to kick and always after 20+ minutes of explaining in group chat what they were doing wrong. If you're getting "bullied" it might be warranted. Alternatively, you could just group with jerks.... Based on your posts I can only imagine you're super fun to have in a group!
Attacks on my character and expecting me to shut up when I'm told doesn't work on me. Sorry. Maybe you should work on not feeling so insignificant when you feel like someone might be better than you. It's okay bro. Feels all around.

Also, I did not turn this into a RnF post. The angry mob did. Must be really hurting your feelings that I'm not intimidated.