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Old 06-21-2017, 04:20 PM
Grizzler Grizzler is offline

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Default How to choose best weapons for the situation

I am currently running a barb war at lvl 26. I have been lucky enough that during lvling my first char (cleric), I was able to get some gear to twink my war out a bit. So for the most part I haven't been worrying about armor but I am unsure about what weapons to use when.

Currently my bags consist of the following weapons:
Sword of Skyfire
Jade Mace
Gnoll Hide Lariat
Staff of Battle
2-handed axe that can proc fear (forget name)
1-handed piercer that can proc 30dmg DD (forget name)

My main question is what weapons or combination of weapons should I be using for tanking and in what situations should I be switching out to other weapons that I have? I know for dual wielding I should be using a fast weapon in my main hand and then a slow high dmg weapon in my off hand.

However I still notice that my threat isn't amazing. Even if I put 2 procing weapons on, I still have threat issues because of either low base dmg of the weapons and the procs not going off a ton. Now, I've mainly been carrying these around with me to keep my weapon skills high but what should I be using to keep aggro as high as possible?

(I do know that war shines at high end raids while Sk/paly is better as a group tank but still interested in playing the war even though I plan to make a sk and possibly a paly later on cause I like to tank)
<The Second Sons>
Grizzler - Cleric
Fasttravel - Druid
Herbila - Warrior