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Old 06-26-2017, 02:30 PM
radda radda is offline
Fire Giant

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Originally Posted by Vallanor [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I haven't actually read through this thread, but I'm sure most of this has already been covered. But I'm bored, so here's my totally unnecessary review of Agnarr for anyone considering trying it out:

Agnarr was great fun the first few weeks. Leveling in rags with a bunch of others noobs also in rags was hilarious and super nostalgic. It didn't take long for that excitement to wear off though.

Almost everything else is a downgrade from P99. The "updated" zones are just awful, especially Freeport and Highpass Hold. Experience is waaay too fast in groups and you blow through the teens and twenties almost before you have a chance to buy new spells. Things are just really easy in general (instances, no corpse runs, nukes are super beefed up, etc.) Cash shop items are just ridiculous and immersion-breaking, even if they're mostly cosmetic. And the worst thing by far is all the Krono farming at high levels that encourages antisocial neckbeards with mage box armies to dps race for anything valuable. I would not recommend the server to any P99 refugees.

It did get me super excited about the potential of a Green99 recycle server though. That's the sort of thing that would definitely bring me back to this game.
Thanks, I want to say I told y'all, I love starting fresh too but to me these servers are only good to relive later expansions again and not good for pre pop due to the rampant asshatery. All I want is aa pop classic server and it's not agnarr