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Old 07-04-2017, 03:54 PM
DevGrousis DevGrousis is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Thanks for all the input. So if we put the Mage aside (because I am not playing Mage), we're left with Enchanter, Necro, and Druid.

I have 2 goals here in this scenario, one is to be able to level quickly, and the other is to build wealth.

Druid - Probably the slowest to level, out of the three, because quadding will be the quickest way to level, but that takes sitting/medding between pulls. But ability to PL gives massive money making power at the end game. Sort of gear dependent because mana pool will play a large part in how many mobs i can kill before medding. Quadding may not even be an option without being able to twink.

Necro - Probably the quickest to get to end game just because of how quickly the 1-30's will go compared to dru or enc. Least gear dependent of the 3 classes because of pet/snare/fear.

Ench - Easily the most powerful at end game. I'd imagine that between necro and enc, enc will be better for farming, but could be wrong there.

Poor life decisions and planning. I call them RL n00bs. Get RL levels while you are young.
