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Old 08-22-2017, 10:37 PM
NegaStoat NegaStoat is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 780

Solo pull for a mage on the entrance elementals isn't going to happen. A root from a net and gate will be an exercise in futility. Sadly, there's no items that can be used from the Lull, Calm etc line either for this.
Again, on classic retail this wasn't an issue because the elementals were spawned further into their alcoves and were barely out of aggro range of each other. I found out about this spot from the old EQNecro forums recommending it on their hunting list guide, and dearly wish I could find the post to establish how they were spawned back then.

An enchanter, paladin, or cleric could break the camp for you, or someone using feign death. That last one requires very fast reflexes as you don't have much room to work with.