Thread: Rezzes
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Old 04-09-2011, 05:12 PM
Klyre Klyre is offline

Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 74

Klyre raises from her chair by the hearth as she notices the Lady Zerah enter the room. "My Lady I am honored by your presence."

Klyre radiates respect for a member of the White robes. "Forgive me my Lady, I did not intend to create the impression that i was interested in hoarding wealth or to take advantage of those clearly in need"

Klyre looks to to the floor with her eyes asking forgiveness. "My intent was to converse with fellow travelers to know the mood of the people". Klyre looks up again and scans those assembled about her. "I do grow so lonely traveling about the country side, I am thankful for your company."

Klyre sits once again, looking over at her mug of Ale and considers once more. Without looking up Klyre once again speaks....."Tell me Lady Zerah, do you really think so little of me?" clear hope, and yet fear in her tone. "Shall I forgo my robes and go naked into the wilderness if such is my shame?"