Thread: Hahahaha.
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Old 05-10-2018, 02:25 PM
HippoNipple HippoNipple is offline

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 4,095

It sounds like Farzo bought a $100 dvd at a real estate seminar that spits off basic common sense facts and he is coming here to try to school people that don't care.

Meanwhile, he is struggling with step 1 of 100 of his very own real estate empire, which is get your first tenant. His first attempt turned into a bum living in his garage that is now banging Farzo's ex live in girlfriend.

After failing to convince his ex girl friend that he would someday be a real estate tycoon and that he is a better option than the bum living in their garage he has come to project1999 boards in hopes to convince some here that he is on the right path. Real life has failed him. If only someone believed in Farzo, even if on an elf sim board, maybe he could truly start believing in himself.

Now we can consider this US vs Australia debate resolved.