Thread: Miscellaneous: Wenglawks Manly Purse
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Old 05-30-2018, 07:33 PM
mefdinkins mefdinkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Rygar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Uhhhh no. Read the alla comments on the manly purse page, literally a oct 2001 post of someone testing this first hand and not experiencing coin reduction.

Also, why would the yelinak bag be 'king after 6 years' if it does exactly the same as the manly purse but drops off a raid mob? And not guaranteed drop to boot.

Sorry, but evidence you listed is too paper thin.
The reason I brought this up is because I was talking to someone who believed they remembered it to be coin reduction and people doing it on live. I wanted to check and I really struggled to find solid evidence either way.

In his post he calls the Yeli Bag the king of droppable bags, Wenglawks Purse is no drop so he wasn't comparing the two against each other. This is a person posting about the game needing to have better bag options and making suggestions about adding additional coin weight reduction bags. The bag's placement in the list among coin reduction bags suggests that it was a coin W.R. bag.

Additionally, in terms of accessibility we all know Velious came and went quickly on the live servers and this is not the simplest quest - you must be factioned and you need to kill in CS or SG to get the Siren drops. I'm sure the item flew a little bit under the radar because of these barriers compared to some of the items that were heavily farmed.

The only other evidence I could find in support of my position was from a monk on forums saying this a must have bag for every monk -- which is not very probative but suggests to me coin reduction just based on the other "must have items" that were being compared to it. I'll have to see if I can find that again.

I have looked for additional evidence either way and there is nothing very strong that supports/disproves this. The other issue is that later in game coin became weightless so the differentiation between coin and non-coin bags became meaningless.
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