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Old 06-28-2018, 03:03 AM
AzzarTheGod AzzarTheGod is offline
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Originally Posted by Yami Blind [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
On blue, half of the item stats don't matter at all.

Not to mention if you find it hard to commit to a set time, on blue, you will find it even harder with the batphones.

On red, you don't have to login at 4am to contest a dragon. You can wait until your normally scheduled raid time and go fight things, because the population is low enough that there is simply no reason for batphoning.

Also, there is no new content coming. Chardok revamp sure, but let's be honest that's kind of a joke really. So what are you going to do with all that shiny gear? On red, you can fight other players, so gear is always, always relevant. And as someone has lately woke me to, half the stats on gear are irrelevant on blue, every stat on red matters.

You ever tried your favorite cash camp on blue? Was it like waiting in line at the DMV for your number to be called? Try it on red. 99% chance that camp is open.

u dum?
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