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Old 07-07-2018, 10:53 PM
beargryllz beargryllz is offline

Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 272

Tank with epics most of the time

Use Red + frostbringer/WESS if you absolutely must have aggro and play with boosted apes that don't know how to evade aggro

Sell the swiftblade. Someone else will buy it, play with it for a little while, and then also try to sell it. I've seen it a million times.

End game tanking cannot neglect HP and cannot neglect clickies. If you're about to kill Vindi or Vulak or whatever you might as well blow a few pp on a root net recharge and just completely disregard the RNG that is weapon procs

Warriors aren't just a tanking class though. Warriors are catastrophic damage dealers, *especially* if you're stacking up damage shield, holding aggro, and swinging high-ratio weapons at everything that moves. That big DPS increase you parsed by using both epic weapons is an example of this phenomenon in action.
Last edited by beargryllz; 07-07-2018 at 10:59 PM..