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Old 07-25-2018, 12:32 PM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

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Maybe not the prettiest Latina chick in the world, but she looks a lot better when you select a non-troll photo. She's probably still at very least, the top 5 most bangable people in the House of Congress.

The media, while hostile, is a little scared to just go all out on Cortez because:

1) She is pro-identity politics, so she is not as threatening as say, some old white jew that says we have taken identity politics too far.

2) She could be around in the Congress for another 30 years or more. They don't want to alienate her too badly before knowing for sure she can't be worked in some way...which she probably can.

3) The media inherently loves young people.
Last edited by JurisDictum; 07-25-2018 at 12:39 PM..