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Old 01-29-2019, 02:28 PM
Raev Raev is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 2,290

Basically what Troxx said except that:

IMHO Agility is extremely underrated here. After reading the TAKP code, I learned that going from 100 -> 255 AGI is like +10% avoidance AC. Theoretically 10% avoidance AC should be better than 10% mitigation AC, but if we assume they are roughly equivalent and that Warriors have about 400 real AC, then 150 AGI is probably about 30 item AC (remember 1 worn AC = 1.33 real ac before the soft cap for :dumb: reasons) or 5 AGI : 1 AC. TLDR: I wouldn't break out the serpentine bracers, but AGI isn't 'nearly worthless'.

The problem with stacking DEX is that a) while raiding, the vast majority of your threat comes from mallets/strings/prayers b) the bio orb is amazing c) you can easily cap dexterity with a willing shaman by casting mortal deftness and then focus. This whole business is kind of dumb: proc hate should be capped at 400 which should limit mallets (although, it also makes dex less worthwhile) and dex+focus stacking is a replicated bug. Worst case you can always cap all non-STA stats with Avatar.

In conclusion: the full endgame build is max CHA for DI, the 'normal' endgame build is max STA counting on dex/focus/avatar for other melee stats, and the 'leveling' build is DEX.