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Old 02-10-2019, 04:59 PM
Evia Evia is offline
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First of all what does soy have to do with it?
Vegans eat more than just soy....
Just because 'Nature's full of everything trying to kill us' doesn't mean being a barbaric flesh eater is now logically justified. Eating meat isnt sustainable no matter how you try to 'slice' it, and anyone even half-woke can see and understand that. The way we treat creatures that cannot equally defend themselves,at the cost of our environment, and only for our own selfish gains is the root of what is wrong in our society. So many studies have shown you need little to no meat in order to sustain a healthy body. In fact, more and more evidence is showing how damaging meat consumption can be for humans.

Feel free to keep trying to macho-man up a logical excuse for an outdated and savage lifestyle though.

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch