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Old 04-05-2019, 06:54 PM
Troxx Troxx is offline
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Originally Posted by Goodest [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
By saying he is wrong, it's your opinion. Yet he States facts he will be adding more data to it very soon epics he has SOD logs but the parse/logs are still being sorted.

That I have seen red sword is above all else. In all trails that we have tried.
I'm not trying to be confrontational when I say this but let me be clear: he is not stating 'facts'. Melee threat is fairly easy to calculate so the discrepancy is with the procs. Some of the 'facts' seem to be simply ripped from the wiki.

Ykesha on his spreadsheet is the most blatant, which he quotes at 775 hate. Why 775? Because this page is being used as 'fact':

Originally Posted by Cerate
For now, I just assume Anarchy is 788 because I've parsed Ykesha to be about 575 and they're both 0.0 second stuns + DD.

Ykesha = 575 Hate - 75 DD = 500 hate for 0.0 sec. stun

500 + 288 DD = 788 Anarchy hate.
That has been my experience too. Ykesha as a stun/dd is medium strength for aggro, not the 2nd strongest proc in the game. If the 'facts' in the spreadsheet were true ... SSoYs despite being several expansions old and having a terrible ratio would still be amongst the strongest aggro weapons in the game. They are not.

Another wtf moment can be had comparing the quoted number for ykesha compared to another stun/dd proc listed in the 2h section.

This is proc per the wiki is 1sec stun with a 125DD yet it is quoted at 525 hate whereas ykesha, a 0.0 second stun 75dd is supposed to be 775 hate? Why 775 hate? Because the wiki says so ...

Another is comparing trident of the deep seas; a slow proc. Why is it 750 aggro and willsapper is only 400? Because of the tiny 20/tick dot? The majority of the threat comes from the slow which has been conservatively estimated historically to be 450-500ish hate. Proc for proc most slow weapons are in the ballpark threat range of Frostbringer's proc.

The proc values on the spreadsheet don't make sense. They aren't facts. Prior to the last patch (i'm not as confident after the patch) one poison counter has generally been held to be worth somewhere around 300 hate. This puts infestation at 900 threat per proc plus some nominal extra from the dd and DOT. This anecdotal 'fact' held water as poison counter procs have been noticed time and time again to be noticably stronger than a straight stun. This observational 'fact' also explains why WESS (terrible ratio) does so exceptionally well at ripping aggro and effectively locking your target on you after its first proc. With 4 poison counters, blind, and a debuff it has a proc that on paper is as second-to-none as anecdotal experience reflects it should be. The poison/disease counters on the now out-dated VP weapons is what keeps them so incredibly competitive and superior to the raid level Velious weapons that don't have an innate aggro proc.

As for SoD ... well that weapon dominates because it pairs a strong proc with an insanely good ratio. The ratio is just that good.

None of this is facts. We don't have the raw data on any proc or cast spell; we can simply make educated estimates. The spreadsheet has huge potential but at the moment it is really inaccurate. Many weapons have proc threat values way over-estimated and a lot of the powerhouse aggro weapons have their proc threats under-estimated.

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Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist View Post
There is no fail message for FD.
