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Old 06-23-2019, 07:01 PM
Carkle Jackson Carkle Jackson is offline

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Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 336

Stem... Wow! I am so glad you posted! I am a little in shock. I always thought you would hate me for what I did to Knights. I am proud of <Anonymous> (although I deserve very little credit their success) but I have always felt bad for my hand in changing and then killing your creation. It doesn't sound like you hate me for that like I had feared. In fact, you seem to still like me. I can't tell you how happy that makes me.

Please let me know if you're ever in game. Come level an alt with me. I enjoy spending time with you.
Heathcliff Huxtable
Member of <Kittens Who Say Meow>
Retired Original Guild Leader of <Anonymous>

Heathcliff - 60 Bard | Carkle - 60 Cleric
58 Ranger | 56 Shaman
54 Rogue | 54 Shadow Knight
51 Bard | 50 Paladin | 50 Warrior
41 Wizard | 40 Bard | 20 Magician