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Old 05-20-2011, 07:28 PM
LevinJ LevinJ is offline

Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 55
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I got to encounter this from the other side the other day. Thank you, Hobby, for clarifying the rules on the matter and offering me the camp to keep.

Briefly, I found a certain popular camp open and claimed it (individuals in the zone confirmed that no one had been present there for some time). Shortly after, another person showed up and claimed that he had been holding the camp down but had to gate and was re-claiming the camp (which he insisted he was entitled to by the rules). When the next repop happened, mobs that do not spawn in that room suddenly magically appeared in the room and I was forced to gate. Unfortunately, the GM did not see to confirm how the mobs arrived. I decided to just leave rather than deal with the drama, although Hobby kindly informed me that I had rights to the camp.

Not posting this to rehash the story, but thank you to Hobby for your assistance and your time. And to express frustration at people who write their own rules.