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Old 10-24-2019, 02:02 AM
Dolalin Dolalin is offline
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On the issue of magicians, I'd say the following:

1) The pets are still in the game, they are just researchable instead of vendor sold. This puts them in the same shoes as necros.

2) Mages are historically the most viable class on any TLP server launch because they don't need to rely on research. This fix balances them, honestly, and puts the brakes on all-mage powergamer groups for a month or two.

3) Mage pets currently have the ability to use weapons, dual wield, and cast spells at launch, especially Root, which is unclassic. These changes weren't patched in until May 1999, September 1999 and January 2000, evidence in these threads:

So magicians already have a lot of unclassic stuff going for them on Green at the moment. I think they'll be okay if slowed down by having to do research.

On the issue of Clarity not being patched in till May:

1) Enchanter charm is very powerful but only sustainable with mana regen. This forces enchanters to group with bards (who still have Clarity song)

2) Casters in general are high powered at a server launch and this will balance them with melee.

3) Enchanters are still needed for CC, they are not going away.

On bard songs:

Well, this is how bards were. Every few months they had new songs to look forward to. They have Clarity song and will still be a very necessary and wanted grouping class, especially if Clarity is kept gated at May 1999. It's all connected.