Thread: Vanguard: SoH
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Old 03-02-2020, 04:25 PM
Brutal_X Brutal_X is offline

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Originally Posted by Danth [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I suspect you greatly under-estimate the enormity of the scope of Vanguard's problems. There's no fixing it, not without starting from scratch with a fresh engine. Everything about that game was broken to some degree or another. The best you can hope for is getting it so most systems work tolerably well most of the time and let the players understand that playing Vanguard means accepting a fair quantity of bugs and glitches.

The emulator has been in the works for a long time, pretty much since VG shut down. It's not a great game for emulation: In addition to the many client problems that aren't going to be fixed, the game's scope is utterly massive and it's simply too much work for a modest-size volunteer team to get everything implemented within a decent timespan (case in point, it's been 6 or 7 years now and it's only partially functional). In some cases data is also lacking making the task even harder.

I liked Vanguard well enough for what it was, but what it was proved a pale shell of what it could and should have been. It's a case study in poor project management and lack of production discipline. I don't think Vanguard ever would have been hugely popular--it was the wrong game at the wrong time, trying to push out during the height of Warcraft's popularity--but with better production I think it could have carved a decent niche for itself, and that would've been good enough.

I certainly agree with you for the most part. As much as I hate the idea, I understand that the game will never be complete or perfectly emulated again. Even if it were, the complete version is still severally buggy and broken and not optimized.

Even then, I still yearn for a game like it. Although flawed, it had absolutely massive potential and was a game I enjoyed many, many hours on... regardless of its flaws. We are all anticipating Pantheon but at this pace, it looks like we won’t see it until 2024 or longer, which is disappointing but understandable given it’s development situation. I really do hope that it’s an amalgamation of EQ, new stuff, and the best from Vanguard. Although niche, I think it has a lot of potential if it follows the proper formula. Nonetheless, I’ll still adventure and explore and test the emu... even if it’s unfinished, flawed, and will likely never complete.