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Old 04-19-2020, 11:47 PM
mokfarg mokfarg is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 175
Default Confession of a Everquest Player

Hello, my name is Bob and I have never made it past level 25. There I said it. I feel a heavy weight has been lifted off of me.

I have played Everquest in the past yet can't seem to get past the low levels. Maybe it's not knowing where to group. Maybe it's not being in a guild. I would love to group up with a few chaps or chapets and level in different spots.

What usually happens, I get excited in the beginning. Oh the possibilities.. the adventures to be had. No, just me searching for a group for a long time and then with afk players in boring open outdoor zones. Places like E. Commons.

No conversation at all. How did you do it? I am not very social in real life, maybe this social awkwardness is affecting in game. There is my confession. I plan to try once again, maybe I will find my way and game till maximum level for once.