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Old 05-18-2020, 02:05 AM
Goodest Goodest is offline

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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: WNN Head Quarters in Rivervale
Posts: 286

From our 1 year Riot Scavenger Hunt:
Aboot wan year ago, twa guild wae similar goals an same heids started working tae'gither in the interest of huv'in fun, mae'kin new muckers, an blooter'in sum dragons.
Efter sum time they aw realised tha they aw liked every wan very much an decided they aw cud dae much mair, better, faster an stronger tae'gither than being apart.
It wis now a year since <Wanks> and <Good Guys> formed the new entity <Riot>.
We continued tae learn an explore wae members, auld an new. We aw hud Great Raids ( even when we didnae git thon mob ), We hud great groups, we hud great trains, we hud so much fun.
An now we whan't tae celebrate this, wae aw of youse tae'gither! But how?
Whit: Scavenger Hunt - Follow oor quest an find oot characters aroon Norrath.
When: Saturday May 16th 10 am EDT (sign up) – Rammy starts aboot 11 am EDT.
Where: Everywan kin be a part of it! Ye didnae need tae be in Riot tae take part, kin be uptae 6 muckers ( Need wan Chieftan ). Level 39+.
Questions? Ask Iris doll .
Otherwise show up in yer groups an sign up by talkin tae the designated Sign up toons! - We ur aw looking forward tae it!

Riot hosted a Scavenger Hunt this past weekend still getting the pictures from the event selected to post, but one of the best events Ive been part of.

Wyman EPIC halfing WAR
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