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Old 06-17-2020, 02:32 AM
Cyph Cyph is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 534
Default Been A While + Offpeak Activity?

Hi all!
It's been a while, and in my usual yearly fashion, that P99 itch has returned. The world is a bit more crazy, people are staying in doors, working from home is now the norm, so really, playing EQ seems like the most sane and sensible thing to do.

I dabbled in Green when it went live but those were some hectic times, both in game and real life. It seems the population has stabilized though Blue seems notably quieter than it was a year ago (at the time of writing, Blue has just shy of 400, roughly 50 of which are in EC, while Green is almost at 650). From everything I've read, Blue seems chill so I'm thinking of heading back there.

What's the activity like at offpeak (noting that I'm still playing during usual Aussie times)? And are there any guilds active during this time? I'll likely roll a new toon to main, whilst bouncing back and forth on all my others.

Or... is the population not the best during those hours and maybe worth trying Green again?

It's bizarre to think that in this day and age, P99 still holds so much allure (to me at least). I keep an eye on Pantheon but that still seems like some time away, and who knows if it will be what I want or expect it to be.

Anyway, thanks for your time reading this and any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
Originally Cyphous, the High Elf Paladin - Xegony, back in '99 (pre-Kunark)

P99 - Blue
Lafael - Druid - Level 60
Garnagle - Necro - Level 57
Seductress - Enchanter - Level 52
Sweets - Bard - Level 35
Venexia - Shaman - Level 60
Wonderelf - Warrior - Level 51