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Old 07-14-2020, 03:47 PM
Jabu Jabu is offline
Large Rat

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 8
Default Project: Green Freeze issue

When running around I will get a hitch for about .4 seconds and it usually sends me the opposite direction. Doesn't matter if I am running straight or strafing. Really causes huge problems.

I have tried to find previous threads to alleviate this issue, Running WinEq2 doesn't fix it. Tried to copy the eqclient.ini out of the folder and put it back in like Rogean suggested. Updated Drivers on video card, changed resolutions, tried different monitors.
Looks like most people have had most success with whatever DUXA's UI does. As I understand we cannot use that on Green, So any further suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

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