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Old 06-25-2011, 06:35 AM
wehrmacht wehrmacht is offline

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Originally Posted by Hasbinbad [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Actually, "the final solution" is a euphemism for killing off an entire people, so that they would not anymore - in the words of the Nazis - "infect" the world anymore.
The real danger of the Jews isn't that they are Jewish, it's that as a whole, they are collectivists. If you're playing a life or death game of musical chairs and there's 2 Jews, 1 gentile, and 2 seats, odds are, the Jews are going to team up and murder the gentile every time.

A free society can't function with collectivist groups like that forming a state within a state. This is why the tribe has been kicked out of every country they moved into. Places like Spain kicked them out dozens of times but they just keep coming back to form their little mafias and extort the native inhabitants.

Is it so hard to believe people would start killing them when kicking them out of the country multiple times didn't work and they just keep coming back to exploit the native inhabitants over and over?

They interpret the Talmud and other texts as saying it's ok for them to do this which is why you see them posting articles like this in the 21st century:

Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews

You tried to pretend like the links I posted don't exist and aren't commonplace amongst psychopathic, Talmudic world Jewry when they basically read them and tell each other "Ok guys, bible says gentiles are animals so we're allowed to steal from them or murder them at will"

Originally Posted by Hasbinbad [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's a euphemism for the slaughter of innocents, and completely evil. The fact that you're trying to explain it away like the Rico act or some form of justified punishment says a lot about you.
Yea, it says a lot about me. It says if someone tries to financially enslave me, implode the economic system of the country I live in for profit, or practice genocide against me, I'm probably going to retaliate. It's a miracle the media and finance mafias have been able to maintain their scams this long. Most sheeple aren't intelligent enough to figure out what's going on but it's inevitable that they'll eventually figure it out. Think of me as the canary in the coal mine as a sign of much bigger things to come.

You can whine about moral relativism and this or that all you want, but eventually it's all going to come down to "us or them" "freedom or coercion and slavery".

Originally Posted by Hasbinbad [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also, we're not in "the long course of world history," we're in the now. And, in the now, we have ethics - well some of us do. It is horrific and unusual for any society to act in that manner in the now.
Homo sapien sapiens are biologically the same as 50,000 years ago so your statement has really no valid basis or reasoning and is just kind of a feeble attempt at moral relativism or ADL/AIPAC whine of "yea, yea, obviously Jews are bad news for the other 98% of population for whatever country they inhabit but you're not allowed to just attack them with swords and torches because that's bad".

Originally Posted by Hasbinbad [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
In the now, we can clearly see that the actions of societies like the Nazis are WRONG, and most of the rest of the world can come together behind that.
Well I'm not a Nazi but it's funny that you bring that up because the Jew's best kept secret is that Nazism and Judaism are the same thing. They are both simple ethnocentric nationalism which happens to be the only effective and stable form of society since people see each other as relatives instead of possible marks to exploit for carpetbagger profits.

The Jews prohibit others from practicing this form of society under the guise of "political correctness" while practicing it themselves to the extreme in their state of Israel. They pass laws there to prohibit Jews and native arabs from marrying amongst dozens of other practices to promote racial homogeneity.

So why do they promote extreme multiculturalism in America while doing the exact opposite in their native land? Because that's how divide and conquer strategy works. It's a lot easier to exploit a nation formed from dozens of small groups fighting amongst themselves than one big homogeneous group looking out for a common self interest.

Originally Posted by Hasbinbad [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That we don't intervene in certain countries where similar atrocities are happening says a lot about our societies, but that is another story.
Some cultures/groups are unable to form cohesive societies where events like this don't occur. That's how natural selection works, some groups are just unable to function and eventually die off. You want to play the far left mother role and "save the world". In reality, you're basically just subsidizing the human race to evolve backwards.

You also make the false assumption that every person walking the earth is exactly equal to one another. On a bell curve, they all score vastly different such as the example below:

"Blacks and Native Americans having the highest number of psychopaths, Hispanics intermediate, whites having less psychopaths than Hispanics, and Northern East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) having the lowest number of psychopaths. Between blacks and Native Americans blacks have more psychopaths."

Originally Posted by Hasbinbad [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Are you actually anti-Semitic, or are you just playing the evil guy on the forums?
The definition of anti-semite is someone the Jews don't like. The motive for whatever I typed is self preservation. I could care less what Jews are doing as long as it doesn't affect me.