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Old 03-06-2021, 11:54 PM
tadkins tadkins is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 589
Default Has anyone ever tried to farm Solist's Icy Wand?

Title. I started a wizard recently but figured I could use my magician to farm the heck out of Kurn's and try to acquire that wand, as well as a Skull of Torture.

I've never really played much in Kurn's to be honest though, primarily because it's always been so out of the way for the vast majority of my characters and have just been kinda discouraged for that reason. So I don't really have any experience farming the place. This is also on the Green server where the tower seems to be regularly populated, and my 41 mage is struggling not to walk on anyone's toes there. So I figured I could just stick with the basement and kill the badgerfolk there.

Was just wondering if anyone's had much luck actively farming that before, and what they did to get it.