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Old 03-22-2021, 01:15 PM
Philistine Philistine is online now
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 578

Originally Posted by Kawhi [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For a solo necro I think it depends on how many living vs undead mobs you have in your clump. Necros are relatively inefficient at killing living mobs obviously, so if you just have your one pet and 3 living mobs, a conga line is much better because you want your pet to survive longer for the "free" damage that you don't have to do with dots.

If the clump is 2 undead and 1 living or something like that then clump is better.

Also I learned the trick of summoning a regular pet to pull wings from the comment section of Sesserdrix's videos. He is a P99 legend for sure, but I think several better strategies have been derived so don't accept the strategies in the videos as the gold standard and keep thinking for ways to improve!
Great point! That makes sense, thank you! Killing those largely living pops definitely sucks; I'm going to try a new (to me) strategy soon and will holler if it works!