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Old 04-04-2021, 06:54 AM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Jul 2011
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Hekk brought forward great points along with the others. Thanks for the reminder of that thread, it was fun one lol [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] .

The problem with the wisdom pally build is the same as the intel sk build. It’s more staggering in the sk case as depending on race pick it can be 50 or so points where as the paladin races are all very close. Having a larger mana pool is really nice but rarely noticeable soloing unless when you run into a named mob or a couple adds which prolongs the experience. Even with afk breaks one doesn’t typically burn up all their mana and sit for 10 minutes. Most soloing past 45 will be DW armor clicking anyways and prioritizing mana for roots. Even a couple clicks of a DW helm per root break is extremely efficient; it is like 220hp for 30mana (over 7hp/mana). I remember with a max Enstill getting over 10 clicks. In a group situation a lot has to go wrong to be glad you had two more heals left to donate. In raids with AOE fights you will be casting a lot but your gear has less to do with philosophy and more personal availability.

The primary paladin creation strategy for me is aesthetic. A solo paladin is a fun but arduous process past the mid 50’s. Liking how you look is very important. Knowing end-game fashion is too. You will have a DW helm on a LOT of the time so you gotta like that yellow 59 you will rarely use it. Erudite’s look cool with it but otherwise their helmquest game is annoying. Broken Velious custom vs purple hood are most of your quality options. In comparison the human dragon helm looks great.

The secondary are racial gear perks. The Tunare paladins gets a great midrange non-bash epic substitute (high end fashion). Erudite get a really nice shield. Humans and dwarven raiders most notably can only use the Frostreaver which is a dang good tanking 2h with a stun/aggro proc. I’ve spent time at one point jealous of all the paladin races so I guess it’s fairly balanced, perhaps less for the erudites unless you have a penchant for being odd.

Even these though aren’t game makers or breakers though so really just play the game however you want. It’s a long road but a 60 paladin is a lot of fun and very useful for small team content.