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Old 04-17-2021, 10:24 AM
Tethler Tethler is offline
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Originally Posted by Toehammer [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There are big differences between 100% and vast majority, widespread vs. strategically targeted voter fraud, and evidence vs. proof of voter fraud. Conflating any of these is unintentionally ignorant or blatantly dishonest.

Even in very blue (red) states like NY/CA (AR/Dakotas) or by demographics (e.g. in-person vs. absentee vs. military) anything over 90% for one side never happens. I don't think the 4am vote dumps were 100% Biden (they couldn't be THAT stupid, well maybe they could), but they were well over 95%. This is impossible. Anyone with a cursory understanding of voting patterns, history, or basic statistics does not dispute this. The USA is not just split down partisan lines, it is almost never split in a place more than 80/20.

The media has set up an intentional straw man with the term "widespread" fraud. Early morning vote dumps, rushed without signature verification, after poll watchers were sent home was not widespread... it was concentrated in key places, surgical in nature. A few of these key cities broke election law to change rules allowing votes significantly after the election to be counted. These places directly determined the outcome. These facts are undebatable, and the media won't focus on them. Many honest progressives I am friends with can at least admit they might have had a nudge across the finish line [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Whoever said earlier in the thread that only 4 cases of voter fraud were detected is full of shit. Even independent right wing YouTube journalists like Steven Crowder showed >10 cases of voter fraud (fake addresses) in just one small area able to be uncovered in < 1 day. They were then magically scrubbed/changed by the districts afterwards and the tech overlords swept in to cover it up. Honest journalism now gets you censored, just like the Hunter Biden laptop, CNN and Project Veritas, and many more.

Freedom of the press now extends to libel, defamation, and publishing lies to which they are, in the end, unaccountable.

It is entirely possible that the fraud didn't swing the election, and it is entirely possible that it did. We don't know because we don't have the information yet, if we ever will. It is an impossible task. If anybody says that fraud vs. no fraud is clear cut either way, that is a good indication they were in on it, foolish, or so indoctrinated that they cannot think independently in a quantitative and statistical frame.
That's a whole lot of words just to say that there isn't evidence that the election was stolen.