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Old 04-17-2021, 11:08 AM
G13 G13 is offline

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Originally Posted by Tethler [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Good for him. But disdain for Trump brought out WAY more people against him, than for him.

Except he didn't, which is why he isn't president right now.

Most states count absentee ballots last (this was explained on election day, and again ad nauseum in the days following). Trump has be constantly repeating that mail ballots were unsafe, so as a result, the vast majority of mail ballots ended up being Dem.

Nope. This was proven by the vote counts.

Good luck in 2024.
1) 80 million people did not vote for a potato because of orange man mean tweets. Dislike for a candidate historically has never been a factor in massive record breaking turnout for the other side. Trump rallies were massive and his support grew from 2016. His overall approval on election day also doesn't reflect your opinion. On the contrary, the exact opposite

2) Except he did. Did you watch the election. Trump won the historic battleground states he needed to win (FL, OH) easily where election security was much more organized and tight. Potato was dragged over the finish line primarily in states run by blue governors or where election laws were illegally changed (cuz the covidz) without the consent of the legislature and ratio in the vote counts were 100/0 in favor of potato during the early morning vote dumps

The entire reason why Bush won Florida is because of this. He was able to prove FL state election laws were changed without the legislators which is unconstitutional. None of that evidence and much more evidence was ever allowed inside a courtroom in 2020. Obviously the courts didn't want to see cities burned to the ground (like all throughout the summer) because Democrats didn't get their way

3) Yep - It's not believable that 80 million people voted for a Potato

2024 will be interesting. Ideally we'll need Voter ID in every state which Potato Farmers shouldn't object to since the 80 million vote count was legit.

Originally Posted by Tethler [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That's a whole lot of words just to say that there isn't evidence that the election was stolen.
How would you know there is no evidence when it has been censored by Big Tech/Dem Media and never allowed to actually be presented in a courtroom?