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Old 04-23-2021, 04:18 PM
Kraig4600 Kraig4600 is offline

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Originally Posted by Raev [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

And, as stated multiple times in the face diaper thread, they are correct. It's pretty easy to see how this is going to shake out over the next few years: voters in conservative states are going to eject CINOs (I don't like the term RINO, as it implies that the Republican party was ever intended to be more than controlled opposition) and demand that the state apparatus pushes back against Federal pseudoscience. That's when things get interesting.
  1. Once people begin to realize how much nonsense they have been exposed to by our "educational" system, how far will it go? Realizing that global warming is nonsense, that multiculturalism is a bad idea, that the CIA killed Kennedy and blew up the Twin Towers, that the real race war is between Northern and Southern Whites, that 80% of the evil in the world comes from the fiat money cult and their priests the Central bankers, that meat is good for you, and that the Earth is flat (just kidding) is a huge mental shift. On the other hand, most people already believe these things internally on some level because they are so obvious.
  2. How will the coming Federal/State battle play out in the courts? The Federal government is already giving preferential treatment to bankrupt California, NJ, and Illinois in the stimulus bill (if it wasn't obvious, lockdowns destroy the economy and are deflationary, which gives the bankers cover to print themselves more money). Will we see a Federal level ban on travel or shipping to states that won't comply with further lockdowns, masks, or vaccine passports?
  3. How will people in Blue states react when it is obvious that a little truth and beauty goes a long way towards making life better? Does anyone really want to live in a police-free war zone filled with feces and drug needles? The frozen tundra of North Dakota might be a stretch, but sunny Florida and it's 0% income tax rate is going to seem awfully appealing. Will they bring their politics with them? And how will the people in Red states react to these refugees?
  4. Oh, and I almost forgot: how will the globalists react to the failure of COVID to usher in Agenda 2030? War is the classic 'distract the peasants' move, and they've been targeting Russia for some time, but will the people actually buy it when we are so divided? I think a CIA cyberattack on our infrastructure is more likely to generate the required justification for martial law.
One thing is sure: we live in interesting times.
"Anti maskers" like you have existed since the spanish influenza. Your not impressing anyone with your text wall of non-sense. None of this is an original thought and everything you posted is redundent... plus wtf cares anyways? You think any of us are special? Lmfao your life is worthless, just like mine and everyone elses. Our entire shitty little planet could be wiped and noone else in the universe would notice or care. I find comfort in that, maybe you will to.
Last edited by Kraig4600; 04-23-2021 at 04:20 PM.. Reason: Spelling