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Old 06-16-2021, 08:57 PM
totmanc totmanc is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Canada
Posts: 150
Default Erollisi's Touch

There is a new revolution sweeping Norrath. Spreading the love. It is time to let Erollisi's into your hearts and minds. Join the wave of love flooding the streets of Qeynos and Freeport.

With Seasoned raiders and leaders, know that your every lustful pixel desires can be met. Graduated at the top of his class in Kelethin's War Academy, experienced in over 400+ pull techniques, mass pvp tactics, jousting maneuvers, know that you are in good hands as Ragnaros Shadowsneak will not only fillet up the mobs on a platter, but any opposition who dares to challenge you. As a bonus, the Baron can not only carry you in Norrath, but in the lands of Dota 2 as well,as he known as the " Best French Phantom Lancer " player the world has to offer.

Also on the leadership side is Tune Songweaver; a player who's infamous 10 year span as the servers boogieman. The Baba Yaga himself. If he doesn't a raid geared alt that can do the job you can bet he will have one by the time this guild is finished.

Batman and Robin. Han Solo and Chewy, Quil And Akinn. Sometimes good things come in pairs. Fishing and dunking nerds and calling targets in mass pvp are what these two are known for. Enlist today and join the assist button that is Quil and reap the worldwind of ez yt's BELIEVE IT.

Coming in last place inventor of the meme warrior. A mean safelane support dota 2 player. The Tactical mind behind charming NPC mobs in order to kill encounters. Strut winner of every RoZ pvp tourny, Slayer of Useful in every tournament.

Our guilds goal is simple Kill mobs and defeat perdition. We will bring balance to red99.