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Old 11-17-2021, 11:32 AM
SwordNboard SwordNboard is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Indiana, USA
Posts: 566

So, I've been on a mission to get P99 working on my 2020 M1 Macbook Air with Big Sur 11.3...

Age-old problem using Wineskin. P99 WILL load to character select using the ORIGINAL dsetup.dll from the titanium disc. However, as previously stated in multiple places, the game tells me that my spell files are out of date. To clarify, I have copied in all v54 files EXCEPT dsetup.dll (for experimental purposes).

As soon as I copy the v54 dsetup.dll over.. Nothing. I see the processes in Activity Monitor and everything, eqgame.exe just wont initialize/render. My error log within Wineskin stays blank. I have tried every single "fix" mentioned via Winetricks, using different/old engines or even Wine Stable. Using older wine engines is not an option on M1, but tried them anyway. My only "progress" has been made with WS11WineCX20.0.4.

I know it's not supported, but it would be AMAZING if P99 devs could figure out what is causing this hitch. Willing to help test until I'm blue in the face.
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