Thread: Game Mechanics: Guild War
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Old 06-07-2022, 01:45 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

Join Date: Feb 2013
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Originally Posted by Rygar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
However, it also disabled PvP level limits (i.e. Level 60 can kill a Level 1 twink and loot an item).

Read a thread a little farther down about guild wars.
Posted By: Loren
Posted On: 4:49 p.m. 22/3/1999
Subject: Read a thread a little farther down about guild wars.

In Reply To: Re: PkCap and Guilds (Yours trolly, Bohica)

> I forget the scource, but I have read that with guild warfare,
> all level restrictions are off.
Any member of a guild can attack
> any member of the rival guild. I havent seen or heard about
> guild warfare first hand, so I cant confirm this.

> Bohica

person By: Anonymous
Posted @ Sat, Jul 21st 5:41 PM 2001 Score: Default[2.00]
if you are in a guild can you declare war on other guilds. and can you and your guild have a battle in a zone?
RE: person Reply... By: Tebyen,
217 posts
Posted @ Sun, Jul 22nd 3:17 PM 2001 Score: Decent[2.76]
Yes guilds can declare war on one another. However, both guild leaders have to aggree to it. Anyone involved in a guild war can be looted by people from the other guild when that person dies. And battles between guilds can take place in any zone.

Tebyen Trueheart(druid)
Frizza (enchanter)
Tebyene (ranger)
Sikle (necromancer)
Senior Officer/Events Coordinater of Cold Comfort

Rekuul Click to check IP address of the poster 07-27-01, 08:38 PM (PST)
10. "RE: *Nod*"
I went back and re-read a paragraph I kinda skimmed across... the one involving the guild war. As I said, that suits mine, and that of my guild's needs more than it does yours. At lvl 26 I dont think that im THAT far behind you guys. Believe me I know you have many 30+ and probably some into the forties. In general though Im not so far behind you to be insignificant... well maybe myself alone wouldnt mean much, but their are many others 20+ in HoW.

Sure, you guys definitely have us lvl-wise at this point... *shrug*. However A war is a war, given the opportunity I believe we would rise to the occasion. Conflict drives progression. Just my .02~

Azmodion Click to view user profileClick to check IP address of the poster 07-28-01, 06:22 PM (PST)
11. "RE: *Nod*"
Do you think we would "war" and have some solo level 20's running around for someone to pick off? You aren't thinking too clearly. As I said, we take war seriously.
War = death for our opponents. Not a friendly game of darts at the local pub where we clap each other on the back for a dart well thrown. No, war with KAAOS means death.

No, it would not be you at level 26 picking off a couple stragler level 20 IE's. It would be a situation of you facing 30 - 40 people 10+ levels above you constantly every second you were logged in, you and everyone in your guild. With your guild's level average being 14 you couldn't expect much in the way of support. Your bind point would be found and every one of you would be deleveled back to infancy. Our guild would stop everything to spend every waking moment hammering every one of you constantly until there was not a one of you left with the will to log in. Yes, 1 lone level 26 fuck would be insignificant. As I said, it would not be a war, it would be a slaughter.

When there is a challenge then seek us out for a war. Right now, your guild poses no challenge, no threat. As I told Meram a few weeks ago, it's a bit early for you all to be thinking war. Level up, learn the game, put a mark on the map then come to us for your funeral.

It's a simple concept to understand, we are not the idiot police, it's not our job to bitch slap every level 10 guild running around that ridiculously challenges us to a war. Think about it, go back and re-read all the posts. Realize who came where to start what. Seperate yourself from your guild for a moment as you contemplate the situation. If you have half a brain you will see just what a bunch of retards your guild is full of and/or making themselves out to be.


15:50:24 Nov 25, 2001

Out of Character: Guild Wars can be fun, but I know from experience... they can also cause a lot of trouble for everyone involved in them, and a big hassle to those of us who have to clean it up. I've often noticed even the most veteran roleplayer can become inflicted with "War Fever" and forget that the player behind another character has feelings. We expect everyone in the guilds to be mature about PvP (Player versus Player) situations.

Always remember, when I and Faileas call technical guildwar in the game, it does not mean we have declared War in character. Many times we use the PvP switch simply to allow certain effects to be available in our roleplay. PvP/Guildwar is an enhancement to the story, not a license to begin killing. Anyone can play on one of the Zek PvP servers, if killing is all one wants out of a War.

As with any policy, failure to abide by this can result in Demotion or being Disbanded from the guild. Some things to remember:
Each war has goals. It is extremely doubtful that these goals will include killing every enemy you come across, and I'm not very understanding of "convenient" mistakes.
The PvP switch is an enhancement to the story, not an officially declared war. A war is declared when I declare it. If you have questions about it in game, give me a tell.
In any PvP situation, be mindful of what level your opponant is. Level should not become an issue in roleplay, but certain spells used for effect might kill someone on accident. This has happened in the past.
Make extra efforts to help everyone feel important, regardless of their level. If that means running or occasionally losing to a "Green con", so be it. (Losing a battle does not mean you have failed to roleplay well; on the contrary. If you can lose gracefully, your character is considered more well-rounded.) This applies to anytime outside Guildwar, too.
Guildwars in the past have had technical bugs associated with them. If you find yourself randomly disbanded from the guild during war, please notify an officer.
No one can be invited to the guild during guildwar. The War must be paused to invite anyone, and that means Faileas and I must be in the same zone.
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