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Old 04-06-2023, 07:54 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by pink grapefruit [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You may want to flex your brain muscle by reading some about social psychology bc this is 100% wrong ��
I’ve always said I don’t have as much respect for people who aren’t able to come up with at least a few things they don’t like about their own political party

I have, on many occasions, criticized republican politicians on these boards. I have on many occasions sided with a leftist argument

So, as corny as it sounds, I would suggest to be the change you want to see in the world

The way to fight polarization is to have set of values and stick to those, no matter which side you have to piss off in doing so. Ideally this will cause you to drift towards a middle-ground approach. I think this is a much better thing to do than to run away from social media and forums because they foster polarization, but you do you

Also, I’m not pretending I’m perfect here. Sometimes I like to talk shit. I sometimes relish the times when someone insults me, because my conscience is most ok with me clapping back rather than being the initial instigator. Sometimes I like to be purely sarcastic and shitpost. It depends on my mindset at the time
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