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Old 05-03-2023, 11:18 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 2,216

Station Member posted 02-01-2001 02:31 PM
?Here's a simple request that a lot of bards (I think, I know I certainly would) appreciate:
understanding. So often when new items are put it, changes are made, etc., bards are accidentally
'nerfed' or in some other way affected (for the worse) simply because the people involved did not
understand how bards work.
For example (in no particular order, and in no way a complete list):
*Imbrued platemail (poh armor), originally the AC was the same as chainmail classes, only
shortly after this was fixed, singing steel armor was implemented again with chainmail ac.
*Singing Steel Effects:
the boots and pants (2nd hardest/rarest piece!) cast summon water, this issue has been all over
the message boards and not anywhere has Verant even acknowledged that bards can forage, and
so being able to summon food and water is a joke, and in no way affects how often they have to
make trips into town
bp: it has a 100 pt heal, I'm told (and my calculations concur) that by singing my regen songs I
can actually heal faster not using the bp
Last edited by Ennewi; 05-03-2023 at 11:20 AM..
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