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Old 09-02-2023, 02:53 PM
Seducio Seducio is offline

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Regarding future improvements to mouselook and camera smoothness:

Secrets — Today at 11:27 AM
I will likely be redoing the dll in those clients soon enough to fix input / mouselook issues
Also, dgvoodoo causes a lot of crash issues imo. So I may look into removing it

GamingMendicant — Today at 11:28 AM
Have you figured out how to make it smooth?
I can't really use 3rd person unless I don't touch the mouse from the jittering
Makes my eyes cross lol

Mars — Today at 11:29 AM
Its not smooth yet

Secrets — Today at 11:29 AM
I know why it's janky and it didn't use to be like this

Mars — Today at 11:29 AM
P99 has made you all soft

Secrets — Today at 11:29 AM
Like when we first did the eqmac windows hack, this didn't happen

GamingMendicant — Today at 11:29 AM
Lol, I went back to P99 during the great shutdown of 2023 and it was smooth as butter

Secrets — Today at 11:29 AM
Actually I'm curious if it happens more frequent with d3d8.dll out of the folder

Knome — Today at 11:30 AM
like remove the file?

Secrets — Today at 11:33 AM
yeah, and set fps limit to 60
you can also type /rfps ingame to reset the fps limit

Secrets — Today at 11:37 AM
basically need to fix signed int __usercall CEverQuest:[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]rocMouse@<eax>(long double a1@<st0>, CEverQuest *this, int a3)
that's the crux of where it goes wrong

Baggy — Today at 11:39 AM
Is that client or server side?

Secrets — Today at 11:43 AM

Mars — Today at 11:43 AM
Is it sending an update everytime the mouselook goes
is that why it lags?

Secrets — Today at 11:43 AM
sort of. it uses interpolated dinput mouse data
but not like the modern clients

Secrets — Today at 11:44 AM
it basically pulls the camera multiple units every frame as opposed to smoothing them

Mars — Today at 11:44 AM
Makes sense. But its strictly client side and not spamming the network with updates?

Secrets — Today at 11:46 AM
No. It's not anyway related to netcode

Mars — Today at 11:46 AM
ok got it

Secrets — Today at 11:46 AM
Strafing actually sends more netcode updates, because of how it works
But not mouselook