Thread: SSF Warrior
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Old 12-10-2023, 09:53 PM
caveslug caveslug is offline

Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 95

Originally Posted by eqravenprince [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For all intents and purposes I am finished (at least the SSF route). The writing is on the wall right now. I am killing a single level 35 mob every 16 min where I sometimes die or have to flee. I'm using Spine Break poison every fight and sometimes twice a fight which costs me 5-10pp a fight. Unless someone has a better mob for me to fight at level 45, I am finished. I just don't have the patience to only kill a mob 3 times an hour while losing at least 15-30pp. The other route I've tried is Level 30 mobs which still give exp, but it takes killing 7 to get 1% exp at level 45. I can keep up with 2 every 6 min 40 sec, so that's 2.4% exp per hour or 41 hours to level. Feel free to offer advice on what I could upgrade or a mob I could fight.
That's what killed my SSF, I was lvl 22ish. And I could see this isn't hard, it's just massively time consuming more then anything. And knowing that higher levels would be even worse, and the thought of the 50's. I understand the enjoyment some get out of it, but I could be using that time for other things.
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