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Old 02-19-2024, 12:40 AM
Ambrogio Ambrogio is offline
Senior Server Guide

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Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 5,793
Default Tempest Has Been Dissolved

It is never a pleasant task, dissolving a guild. Uniting followers under one flag may be one of a guild leader’s most treasured accomplishments.

Unfortunately, members of Tempest have caused repeated trains and attempts at resolution have been unsatisfactory. A guild that habitually violates rules governed by our Play Nice Policy and Raid Rules does not have the privilege of existing on our servers. That said, Tempest has been dissolved and blanket account suspensions have been enforced as well. Red Server does have some specific rules and, while the expectation is for PvP to solve many player issues, breaking core engagement protocols should never be an option.

Our Red Server also has an increased proclivity of sharing privileged information. Regardless of reason, whether benign or an attempt to circumvent disciplinary actions, we do not condone account sharing. Those found utilizing various accounts in an attempt to conceal poor behavior may earn a suspension for every account they’ve accessed. Disciplinary actions also extend to an entire guild's leadership (Leaders and Officers) as they cannot operate a guild that continually disregards server rules.

Going forward, it is expected that all who adventure on our servers adhere to guidelines. Consequences may be most-severe for those found in diametric opposition to our rules.
Last edited by Ambrogio; 02-20-2024 at 05:05 AM..