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Old 02-21-2024, 09:35 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is online now
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Originally Posted by Morphik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I think this is the best place to post this.

For the sake of discussion, which class has more utility, can solo/group better etc.?

Now, before this thread goes too far, lets base the discussion on a causal player, who wants to do some soloing and some grouping, and doesn't have the free time of a part time job to play the game.

Gear wise, assume reasonably priced gear that can be bought in the tunnel, some no drop / light raiding gear, some relatively attainable BiS gear, and minimal to no gear that required excessive dkp.

If you want to delve into dungeons, pick Paladin. If you prefer outdoor zones, go Ranger. Both have some utility in raids, so you won't have a problem there if you choose to raid.

Ranger will start off stronger than Paladin. They get their kit earlier and can bow kite mobs above their own level. A Paladin for the first 30-40 levels is going to feel like a lower DPS Warrior with lull/root.

Once you get into your 40s the Paladin is going to start doing much better, and will be able to sustain in melee much longer than a Ranger.
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