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Old 05-05-2024, 05:59 PM
smooman smooman is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 21

I have an answer to all of this that I believe could fix everything.. its a multi pronged approach that gives everyone what they want without taking away much.

1) "I want an epic but I don't have time!"
Add a vendor that sells the epic for plat. Same stats, same looks EXCEPT when you swing it it makes a cash register sound instead of the normal swing sound, and it has little dollar sign particle effects regardless of the epic.

2) "I want the epic but I am an adult, with adult responsibilities. I am willing to farm for the epic bit I cannot poop sock like the neckbeards."
Make an instanced zone for each mob with an epic piece, gives you the regular epic.

3) "but but I farmed all these epic mq parts with my uber top tier raiding guild and woke up at 3am for the past decade to keep it on lockdown for 'reasons'".
Epics gotten before the change will have their particle effects changed to little poop socks and the epic wielder will give off a slight 'stink cloud' particle effect (due to not showering) to recognize their efforts and their epic description window will have an added modifier 'better than yours'

I think this would equally help and annoy everyone :-)
Last edited by smooman; 05-05-2024 at 06:08 PM.. Reason: Clicked too early :-(
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