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Old 10-06-2011, 12:28 PM
pickled_heretic pickled_heretic is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 982

charm works great, charisma is not that important. you can keep low DB mobs charmed for a very long time. you will have early breaks but that's the price of doing business.

charm soloing is extremely dangerous and requires constant attention. 2-3 resists in a row at the wrong time can mean a quick and very painful death. and in spite of this, it's still totally worth it. gained a lvl every 3 hours in guktop soloing in such a manner.

you can also charm and keep low blue / light blue pets in groups. buff them, give them daggers etc. they are a higher source of dps than any DPS that is equivalent level to you. keep in mind that in a pvp environment pets can be extremely dangerous to you if they are dispelled because they will go after you first.